Getting Started with RISC-V Shanghai has ended

John Hartley

UltraSoC Technologies Ltd
VP Global Sales
John has over 25 years of experience in the semiconductor industry, and has previously held senior roles in both start-ups and prominent trans-national companies. Prior to joining UltraSoC, John held senior positions at Microchip, Tundra Semiconductor (now IDT) and PLX (now Broadcom) with a high-level track record of success. Immediately prior to joining UltraSoC, John was Vice President of Global Sales at Irystec, a perceptual display software company. His success comes from building global markets, strong team leadership and specific experience of cross-cultural negotiations.

John 在半导体行业拥有超过 25 年的丰富经验,曾在初创企业和知名跨国公司担任高级职位。加入 UltraSoC 前,John 担任过 Microchip、Tundra Semiconductor(即现在的 IDT)和 PLX(即现在的 Broadcom)的高级职位,成就斐然。加盟 UltraSoC 前,他担任感知显示软件公司 Irystec 的全球销售副总裁一职。John 拥有独特的跨文化谈判经验和强大的团队领导力,在开拓全球市场方面积累了丰富经验,是名副其实的商界精英。